Monday, December 6, 2010

Services-Karuna Reiki

Karuna Reiki is a powerful energy healing system that combines sound and light, creating a deep relaxation and healing. This is a newer system of Reiki founded by William Lee Rand and several of his students.

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translanted to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as "compassionate action." Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. As you develop Karuna in yourself, not only are you helping others, but you also become more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent by all enlightened beings. Thus your healing is quickened as well.

Karuna Reiki® opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. Many clients and practitioners experience the Karuna energy as angelic, unifying and boundless.

I offer individual healing sessions and a Karuna practitioner program. Please email me for more details,

Monday, November 29, 2010

Services- Soul Retrieval

Soul loss is a spiritual illness that causes emotional and physical disease. We can spend a tremendous amount of energy looking for lost parts of ourselves. We do this unconsciously in many ways - generating dreams and day-dreams, experimenting with numerous spiritual paths, addictions and creating relationships that mirror back to us our missing parts.

Soul loss can be a result of trauma such as abuse, accident, addiction, illness, incest, loss of a loved one, miscarriage, surgery, or the stress of combat. The basic premise is that whenever we experience trauma, a part of our essence separates from us in order to survive the experience by escaping the full impact of the pain. Soul loss can be caused by whatever a person experiences as traumatic either in this life or a past life, even if another person would not experience it as such.

A shamanic belief is that this part of our essential life-energy can split off and find a new home in nonordinary reality. The practitioner will travel or journey for the client in an altered state of consciousness where he or she enters nonordinary reality in pursuit of these lost soul parts.
The shamanic practitioner will then retrieve the lost soul parts from these nonordinary worlds and return them to the body of the client. 

Soul retrieval works because the clients fragmented self is returned to wholeness and they are able to come into the present. Many clients explain the healing as coming back to themselves or feeling like themselves again. Soul retrieval alters the past by healing it, thereby altering the present and future as well. The clients universe is literally realigned to accommodate the newly healed soul.

Soul retrieval is available by appointment only, please contact me at to find out more.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Services- Power Animal Retrieval

One of the services that I provide in my Shamanic practice is Power Animal Retrieval. A power animal or totem is a helper or ally that offers gifts, insight and power to the client. The animal often represents a period of their life or hidden talents and gifts that are opening up to them.

Power animal retrieval is prescribed for power loss and it is usually either included in a full healing session or as an initial meeting for the client to reconnect to their personal power. In our modern culture power loss can show up as depression, loss of motivation, feeling disconnected, spacey or ungrounded, finding yourself at the receiving end of "bad luck"" and a feeling of confusion or lack of intent and direction.

Once the client and the power animal are connected through Shamanic Journeying their intent is intwined and the client experiences a shift in their energy. The most common feedback is that a client finds that they feel more natural, life seems to be working better and they find it easier to engage in day to day activities. Often people report a change in tastes, past times and life direction.

I offer individual healings and group journeys to find your personal power animals. Please contact me at for further details and appointment times.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Little Bit About Me....

I truly believe that Shamanism found me at quite a young age. For as long as I can remember I have been interested in religion, healing, spirits, people and the great mysteries life. By 6 I was hoping to be able to attend church to get closer to the only thing I knew as spirituality. My family was not interested in church but allowed me to tag along with friends, I loved it and wished that I could be a Priest. From there my interest grew into the occult and I dove into all the ghost stories and mediumship books that I could find. I was fascinated by everything that I read and to my parents great disappointment, I was convinced that I was meant to be a witch or a nun (they seemed like similar jobs to me!).

After several challenges throughout my childhood I found great strength in my own connection to Nature and by 15 I found my first Shamanic teacher. By 16 I was taking my Reiki training and absorbing as many books as I could by Lynn Andrews, Neal Donald Walsh, Starhawk, Diane Stein and participating in any workshops that I could get to. By 18 I was close to completing my Reiki training and was able to meet and work with Lynn Andrews in Joshua Tree California.

I found myself very ill by the time I was 20 and turned to Shamanic Medicine to get my life and health back on track. By owning my personal power I was able to start my long journey back to myself and the path that I started on at such a young age. A few years later I was well and dove into the world of business, moving up in Corporations and eventually starting my own business. Within 2 years my business partner and I founded a million dollar business, within 2 more years the business closed and I was left really wondering what I wanted in my life. The money didn't fulfill me, the pride didn't fulfill me, my life was no longer fulfilling me and I was once again left with close to nothing. I started to ask myself hard questions about what I wanted, how I could contribute and what I felt my life purpose was.

The truth is that I have always know what fulfills me. I love practicing and teaching Reiki, shamanic journeying and healing work, sound healing, witnessing people change their lives and own their power, laughing and facilitating classes and group healings.

I am very excited for this new leg of my journey in Vancouver and am very grateful for this opportunity to use my skills and gifts with a new community of like minded people.

Professional Training

Reiki Training
Level 1- 1996 London, Ontario- Sheila Bouchard
Level 2- 1998 London, Ontario- Deborah Carter
Level 3- 1999 London, Ontario- Heidi Seibel
Level 3 Master-2007 London, Ontario- Deborah Carter
Master Level Advanced- 2008 London, Ontario- Deborah Carter
Karuna 1,2 and Master- 2009 London, Ontario- Deborah Carter

Shamanic Training
1999-2002- Red Lodge Longhouse Program- Toronto, Ontario
2008-2010- Apprenticeship program, (Sandra Ingerman Tradition) Soul Retrieval, Power Animal Retrieval, Breaking Negative Enchantments, Extraction Work, Healing with Spiritual Light.
2010-2013- Shamanic Coaching Program- Institute for Shamanic Medicine


One key concept of Shamanism to have a strong intent. Your intent is your purpose or design, it is an art and requires personal power to follow it through and create a new reality.

This blog was born from my own intent to share pieces of my daily journey, to inspire action and to grow the Reiki and Shamanic Journeying community in Vancouver.

I will be hosting practice nights in Kitsilano for all levels of Reiki, Karuna Reiki and Shamanic Journeying. The dates and sign up information can be found on my meet up page (Vancouver Reiki and Shamanic Journey Meetup) or check back for on going posts. I also offer classes and treatments in Vancouver as well as distance healing and journeys. Please email me at for more information.